We are a Technology Company developed by Johnny Rodríguez, a pioneer in the telecommunications industry and a leader in the calling card market in the United States.
Johnny was a fundamental part of this industry that was born more than 25 years ago and which became a bridge between millions of immigrants, who due to lack of resources had very little contact with their families abroad due to the high price of long distance calls, thus managing to connect them at a lower cost for the end user. As an entrepreneur, Johnny became a key player in this market, a project that remained alive for more than 15 years and was displaced by the development of new applications and forms of communication.
Changes in the industry lead the entrepreneur to reinvent himself and together with a group of excellent programmers, they developed a unique solution in support of restaurants and the public, by creating Hello2eat.

A seasoned professional and effectual leader with a proven ability to implement new solutions. Over 20 years of experience in prepaid distribution, A successful pioneer of the first national prepaid card in the USA (TLC). Developed the first MVNO in Dominican Republic, and first MVNO with new cutting technology edge in Colombia. Holds a bachelors degree in marketing and advertising.

Mr. Rojas holds a Bachelor Degree in Finance & Economy with a MBA .He served as Corporate & International VP for Tricom S.A./Orange and USA for 18 years. He has also worked as an advisor for several Telecom companies in the United States and Dominican Republic. Mr. Rojas has also worked for the Automotive industry as General Manager for Land Rover Dominican Republic for over 9 years.

Experienced International CEO with relevant success record at C-Level in the complex and highly competitive Telecom Business for more than 24 years focus in Europe and Latin America , mainly in Spain, Brazil, M¨¦xico, England, Germany, Peru, Chile, Argentina & Central America as well. Former CEO Wholesale Business Unit, Telefonica Global Solutions.

Mr. Vidal holds a Bachelor degree in Engineer with more than 28 years of experience in the Telecom Sector in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and St. Maarten . He has successful implemented open system Unix/Oracle changing a mainframe Platform.

Mr. Rivas holds a Bachelor degree in Engineer with more than 25 years of experience in the Telecom Sector in the Dominican Republic, Panama and USA. He has successful implemented development application for Billing and Customer Service Platform.

Mister Mejias brings more than 25 years of experience and had Join Hello2eat team to give financial order and direction within the company, in his day to day he focuses in serving the Latino immigrant community in the tri-state area, New York ,Florida. NJ, MA, CT and OH. He specialize in tax preparation, business services, consultation, supporting tax preparation agencies.
The vision
It is to become the # 1 option in deliveries and solutions for businesses, through innovation and automation.
Constant growth
AbrilHello2eat Lanza su primera Plataforma de delivery’s llamada intel2order. Ya con el concepto creado y los programadores desarrollando cada aspecto de la aplicación y mejoras a la experiencia de usuarios.
SeptiembreSe une a al proyecto uno de los ejecutivos más reconocidos en República Dominicana: Omar Rojas; Él cuenta con 25 años de experiencia en la industria de las telecomunicaciones y ha sido administrador de grandes multinacionales, fue vicepresidente de Tricom Internacional, director de Auto Británica y ahora COO de Hello2eat..
FebreroSe cuenta con la aprobación y la licencia de desarrollo de Apple y se somete la primera aplicación de usuario final y driver.
JunioJuan Revilla Ex CEO de Global telecomunications solutions, (Telefónica de España), y que cuenta con más de 30 años de experiencia a nivel mundial en el área de las comunicaciones. se une al equipo corporativo como Cosejero Delegado (Board Advisor)
JulioSe recibe la aprobación de Google para la aplicación Hello2eat Driver, Hello2eat Usuario y Hello2eat Merchant, apareciendo en las opciones para Play store de Android
AgostoSe inician pruebas de concepto con restaurantes y clientes reales bajo la plataforma de Android.
AgostoDespués de una año y 4 meses de pruebas y certificaciones Apple aprueba la aplicación de Hello2eat 1.0 para usuario final.
FebreroComienza la integración entre Hello2eat y Clover POS la cual es la empresa más grande de puntos de venta en los Estados Unidos, con más de 1,5 millones de terminales.
NoviembreHello2eat introduce al mercado la plataforma OPEN ONE con su sistema ON DEMAND que llega para facilitar el servicio de delivery`s a los restaurantes que no cuentan con su propio conductor 24/7.
EneroClover Pos (division de first data) aprueba a Hello2eat de esa manera los comercios pueden recibir sus pedidos directamente en la terminal y ya no necesidad de darles tabletas a los comercios
FebreroSe firma alianza estratégica en Puerto Rico, para el lanzamiento de hello2eat en la isla.
SeptiembreDebido a la pandemia y como una forma de apoyar a los restaurantes Hello2eat lanza oline ordering gratis, para ayudar y subsanar los altos costos de las otras aplicaciones. Beneficiando el restaurante quien asume en este tiempo, numerosas perdidas.