Terms & Conditions

Rapidito Terms and Conditions

Effective Date: 07/25/2023

At rapidito America, Inc. (rapidito ),your privacy is important to us. We take great care to safeguard the ways inwhich any information you provide to us is collected and used. This privacynotice (the "Privacy Policy") discloses the privacy practices for https://rapidito.shop (the "Site"). This Privacy Policy doesnot govern our collection of information through any other web site, or by anyother means, other than through the Site; nor does this Privacy Policy governthe collection of information by third parties. This Privacy Policy will notifyyou of the following: • What personally identifiable information iscollected from you through the Site, how it is used and with whom it may beshared. • The choices available to you regarding the use of your information and howyou can correct any inaccuracies in the information. • The security procedures in place to protect your information. • Future updates to the Privacy Policy.

INFORMATIONCOLLECTION, USE AND SHARING rapidito gathers two basic types ofinformation through the Site:

rapidito service. Suchcombined information will be treated as PII as long as it is so combined. • Personally Identifiable Information ("PII") is non-publicinformation that is personally identifiable to you (such as your name, mailingaddress, email address, or billing information), which you provide to us. rapiditollc collects PII from you when you interact with this Site as described in thesections that follow.

PERSONALLYIDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION (PII)RegistrationIn order to use our services, you must registerat the Site by completing the registration form. During registration, you arerequired to provide certain information such as your name, email address andphone number. llc uses this information for our normal businesspurposes, such as to respond to your requests, process your transactions,maintain your account(s), and contact you about the products / services on ourSite in which you have expressed interest. rapiditollc does not solicit orknowingly gather information on anyone under the age of 18. By registering, youacknowledge that you are of legal age (18 years of age or older), provided trueinformation, and are authorized to sign for the services requested.

OrdersWhen you order products or services on the Site,rapidito will use the App's Market payment program to collect any dues orfees related to the products and services sold.

Cookies rapidito uses "cookies" on thisSite. Cookies are unique identifiers which we transfer to your device to enableour systems to recognize your device and to provide features such as"Remember Me" which allows you to easily log in to our Site from yourdevice by remembering your email address. When you choose the "RememberMe" feature, you do not have to re-enter your email address each time youwish to access our Site. You simply enter your password to log in, thus savingyou time. Cookies also enable us to track and target your interests to enhanceyour experience on our Site and to deliver content that is specific to yourinterests. Most browsers provide options which allow you to prevent yourbrowser from accepting new cookies, to notify you when you receive a newcookie, to automatically decline cookies from a specific web site, or todisable cookies altogether. Typically your browser's Help feature can tell youhow to configure these options. If you block or decline our cookies, you willnot be able to take advantage of some of our Site features. As such, werecommend that you do not block or otherwise reject our cookies.

Logfiles and IP addresses rapidito uses your IP address to diagnoseour server problems and to administer our Site.

DISCLOSUREOF INFORMATION TO THIRD PARTIES rapidito will not disclose your PII outside rapidito and its controlled subsidiaries and affiliates without yourconsent, except as described in this Privacy Policy. In some cases where llc services may be offered in conjunction with another company, both tllc and the other company may receive information collected in conjunction withthese co-branded services.

StrategicPartnersFrom time to time, we may enter into a specialrelationship with another company that is not owned by or affiliated with llc. We may share your name, email address and zip code with such third-partystrategic partners; however, we will provide you with the opportunity to eitheropt into or opt out of such sharing when you set up an account and when you login after we add a new strategic partner. Because these third parties will useyour PII in accordance with their own privacy practices, you should check theirweb sites for information regarding their privacy practices.

DONOT TRACK POLICY rapidito will not use malicious scripts orfunctionality that enables password phishing scams on our app. We will not useany tracking mechanisms or malware on your account or information.

FORUMSWe may make available through the Site servicessuch as, message boards, forums, comment functionality and chat functionality,among other services (collectively referred to as "Forums") to whichyou are able to post information and materials. Please note that anyinformation you disclose through these Forums becomes public information, andmay be available to visitors of the Site and to the general public. Inaddition, when you choose to make a posting on these Forums, certaininformation (for example, your screen name and your location) will be availablefor other users to view. We urge you to exercise discretion and caution whendeciding to disclose PII, or any other information, on the Site Forums. WE ARENOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE USE OF ANY PII YOU VOLUNTARILY DISCLOSE THROUGH THESESITE FORUMS.

OTHERDISCLOSURESWe may disclose your PII: (a) as permitted bylaw; (b) in the event of a transfer of ownership, assets, or a bankruptcy of rapidito ; (c) if we determine that disclosure of specific information is necessaryto comply with the request of a law enforcement or regulatory agency, or (d) toprotect the rights, or property, of rapidito , including the enforcement ofour agreements, or (e) to act in urgent circumstances to protect the personalsafety of our users or members of the public.

YOURCHOICESView / Edit Your Information • You may click on the "opt-out" linkon the bottom of any marketing email you receive from rapidito llc and makeyour choices as to what electronic marketing communications you wish to receivefrom rapidito ; • You may contact us by sending a written request to the email or postaladdress provided in the "Contact Us" section of the website. Pleasespecify clearly what electronic marketing communications you are opting-out of. Note that changes to your opt-out request maynot be effective immediately. We endeavor to comply with your request as soonas reasonably practicable.

• You may click on the "opt-out" linkon the bottom of any marketing email you receive from rapidito and makeyour choices as to what electronic marketing communications you wish to receivefrom rapidito ; • You may contact us by sending a written request to the email or postaladdress provided in the "Contact Us" section of the website. Pleasespecify clearly what electronic marketing communications you are opting-out of.

Note that changes to your opt-out request maynot be effective immediately. We endeavor to comply with your request as soonas reasonably practicable.

LINKSAND THIRD PARTIES' PRIVACY PRACTICESThis Site may contain links to other sites whichare not owned or controlled by rapidito . rapidito IS NOT RESPONSIBLEFOR THE PRIVACY PRACTICES OR THE CONTENT OF SUCH OTHER WEB SITES. We recommendthat you review and understand the privacy policy of third party web sitesarrived at from links on this Site prior to submitting any personalinformation. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PRIVACY POLICY DOES NOT ADDRESS THE PRIVACYOR INFORMATION PRACTICES OF ANY THIRD PARTIES.

SECURITY rapidito employs advanced informationsecurity technologies and procedures consistent with industry best practices toprotect your personal information from unauthorized access. Wherever we collectsensitive information, such as payment card data, that information is encryptedand transmitted to us using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) software, which encryptsthe information you input. We also protect your information offline. Onlyemployees who need the information to perform a specific job (such as billingor customer service) are granted access to PII. The computer systems in whichwe store PII are kept in a secure environment.

Unfortunately, no data transmission over theInternet or data storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As aresult, although we strive to protect your PII, we cannot ensure or warrant thesecurity of any information you transmit to us through or in connection withthis Site or that is stored by us. You acknowledge and agree that anyinformation you transmit through the Site is so transmitted at your own risk.If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure(for example, if you feel that the security of any account you might have withus has been compromised), you must immediately notify us by contacting us atthe phone number or email address provided in the Contacting rapidito section below.

UPDATESOur Privacy Policy may change from time to time.All updates will be posted on this Site. Any changes will become effective uponour posting of the revised Privacy Policy on this Site. We encourage you tocheck this page regularly. Your continued use of this Site following anychanges to the Privacy Policy constitutes your acceptance of the changes.

CONTACTING rapidito You may direct any questions or commentsregarding our Privacy Policy to:

Rapidito LLC

6willian j flood r dr.

randolph MA 02368


1 (617) 504-7748